Hi! I'm Jonathan C. Blount, AAMS®, CKA®

I Use Professional Wealth Management to help Christian Families and Business Owners Align

Their Faith and Finance Values


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Here's a video to help explain what we do:

Faith-focused Wealth Management with

A Process To Believe In™


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We start with a RightCapital Snapshot...

One, simple-page overview of your current financial situation.

Then we move on to the RightCapital BluePrint, where we can get into as many details as you need to plan for the most complex situations.

Our clients continually monitor their progress toward their future financial goals by interacting with us in RightCapital, making changes and updating their situation as their needs and our professional relationship develops over time.

Along the way we engage - with FREE online Bible studies, providing guidance through values alignment to inform WHY you should make any financial decisions.


How do we do this?

By submitting your information and going through our process, you will be extended a FREE invitation to begin your Faith-focused Investments with A Process To Believe In™ training.


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In our educational content we do not focus on any financial products. Rather, we use this to engage in values alignment with our faith-focused clients through a webinar called "Faith & Finances", followed by a 6-session class.

The webinar and multi-session classes are about helping you work toward unity between your core values and your spending, saving, and investing habits by viewing stewardship as discipleship.

Through this process, our ultimate goal is to convince you that HOW you spend your limited amounts of Time and Talent will infinitely affect WHAT you Treasure.

This unity can reach into your personal relationships which can be vital to you and your family. We believe that one way to attain this is by striving toward values alignment within the relationships which affect your financial future, especially the professionals you can depend on.

We realize that faith-focused financial principles or investment choices may not resonate with you or with every client we serve, and that's okay! We use investments according to the values that each client has or develops while we work together.

If you decide to work with us, it can be with or without a faith-focused process concerning your wealth strategies.

But, at least you'll know where we are coming from as a firm, and where our advice originates. We will continue to focus on this in our practice, and we find that values alignment is our top priority because our financial advice... is based on biblical advice.

In case you're interested but you're unsure if you can make the time commitment for an entire 6-week class, you'll also receive an eBook called "Ten Foundations of Faithful Financial Stewardship", and here's a summary of what we teach:

The fact is, that most Americans live as the fabled "1%" compared to the rest of the world. Almost everyone reading their screen, or watching this video right now, will spend more money on hygiene products per year for their family than many people in the world have to meet their basic survival needs in the same amount of time.

I hope that truly sinks in, American Christians are wealthy, and it may not be all for our good.


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Allow me to add some context to that statement. I thought I might add a slightly outdated photo of my family (they grow fast and we haven't taken new pictures). This is in the hopes you'll allow me to be personal with you for a moment as I describe where I'm coming from with faith-focused financial planning. In my first career, I was a Worship Pastor licensed to the ministry in 2005, after my wife Michelle and I were married in 2002. I served in staff ministry positions before and after then for about 20 years total. During that time I taught many classes on finances in the church from national brands you would be sure to recognize (if I were allowed to use their names). As a young family, we tried hard to practice what we preached and avoided much consumer debt, and we tried to save as much as possible and we also practice generosity.

But in 2008 I was on staff at a very large church when the last national housing crisis occurred, which sent ripples through the markets. The ripples turned to waves, and even affluent families in our congregation began to feel the crunch. I personally even began to worry that my church staff income wouldn't be able to keep up with the needs of my own growing family. It was about that time that this large church in TX told staff that the church was committed to operating "in the black" as an act of stewardship and that staff cuts may be imminent. Well, with the financial principle, I couldn't argue, but I also couldn't help but wonder what my future would hold concerning employment.

Around the same time, my wife and I were getting our own financial planning house in order and the professional we worked with (let's call him Jim) asked me: "You seem to have a thing for financial planning - would you ever consider doing it as a career?" (Little did he know I had taught A TON of classes on the topic!) Well... the answer I gave was "no" - because I absolutely LOVED serving the church as a worship pastor and working with people in ministry. Honestly, I couldn't envision doing anything else. When I offered the reason for my "no", this future elder at the church had a great comeback that I'll never forget: "You'll never believe how much ministry I do at the kitchen table as families talk about their financial hopes and dreams." At first, I thought I was being pitched by a very good salesman, but then I was invited to join him on a couple of appointments and I saw the truth. We were talking with Christian families who were struggling because on paper they had a lot of money coming in, yet the bank account saw a lot more going out.

I saw the debt pandemic hitting Christians hard due to lifestyle choices in what they drove, lived in, wore, and ate! (Restaurants are as much an entertainment item in the budget as they are food!)  And I saw a real lack of practical guidance on how to earn, save, and invest money wisely from a biblical mindset. It was heartbreaking, but yet very eye-opening as to what a possible future career could look like. I allowed Jim to talk me into my first financial practice license in 2009 and began working on more, and his prodding and my decision at the time would change my life. My position at the church lasted a while longer, but little did I know that soon after the licenses were obtained, I would be asked to transition out of the church since I had another job lined out.

Pragmatically, I understood the situation. But practically, it was HARD! It was emotional. I had been through transitions before, but they were hardly ever unplanned, out of my control, and never had something like this happened with a family under my guidance. We had purchased our first home and were fearful we wouldn't be able to sell it in the downturn! I was devastated. However, God was so good. Although I didn't know it, during this time of deep pain and introspection, He had given me a glimpse of my future.

During this time I began to work in financial services and plan for my time "down the road". I began to dream of a day when I could open a firm that dealt with the issues I had seen first-hand in 2009 and which still haven't gone away today. At the time, it wasn't right for me to pursue the dream full-time, but I did begin to practice with my licenses until the time was right to work full-time with a national firm in 2014. And after two years at that firm and constantly looking forward to beginning my own private practice, in 2016 I went independent to build my dream job, which I'm deeply passionate about. I love the business and financial planning practice I am building and now I combine my pastoral background with professional financial expertise to work with Christians who want to glorify God with their wealth.

This has been an amazing journey, and I've learned a ton along the way. I've learned that our best-made plans always fall far short of the plans God has for us, and it often takes some pain for us to let go of what we think is best. I've learned that the promises in Jeremiah 29:11 are different than we might think because the way God often prospers us is through wisdom before He gifts wealth so that we can steward it well when it comes. But one thing I know now, and which I never imagined I would have to learn (and that you probably also know in your situation)... is that my family has wealth that needs to be stewarded better. And what do I mean by that?

Well to answer that I need to get off of my story and back on to where I started... by saying that most Americans spend more on personal hygiene products for their family in a year than many people in the world live on, in that same amount of time.

Remember that part from before?

Well, let's all face this together - if you're on this website, you may be holding in your hand a $1,000 or probably more like a $1,500 smartphone, or you are looking at the screen of a similarly valued computer or tablet.

You may be educated at the Master's level as we are, or even educated as a Dr., Ph.D., or Engineer.

You probably own a home, have some decent (or even larger) sized investment accounts, and some money in the bank.

Like us, you probably attend and serve in your church regularly and you probably give money to the causes you care about.

But, concerning money and material possessions, our American culture says we earned what we have, and it's ours.

Now, legally and morally, that is right - and there's nothing wrong with that, per se. But in the view of the Bible, and therefore hopefully in a Christian's view,

God owns it all - not us.

Biblically speaking, you and I are just stewards of the financial and material resources which God has entrusted to us during our time on earth.

Profound teachings exist throughout the Old Testament on these issues. And especially in the New Testament...

Jesus taught us to be wise, even shrewd, and generous with our resources so that others will see His Father's goodness and plan for humanity. Even by a simple counting of Bible verses on the topic, Jesus even taught more on stewardship as being key to a Believers' discipleship process than He did on salvation, Heaven, and prayer. (Although we understand that salvation, Heaven, and prayer are still the foundational elements of our faith!)

If so much of our discipleship revolves around stewardship, I'm of the persuasion that every financial decision we make should be a spiritual decision and thought out with intentionality, because being a steward is much different than being an owner of what you have. Ownership is a worldly and cultural view of material possessions.

But Stewardship... THAT is the transcendent biblical view of every material thing you own, and the money you use to purchase it.

Stewardship allows us to go through a process wherein money starts as a Test, progresses to a Tool, then ends as a Testimony.

Where are you on that journey? I'd urge you to think about it.

Stewardship makes us think differently about our work so we can work harder and smarter, and be wiser through experience, so we can earn more, and ultimately empower us to give more away because we work, earn, spend, save, and give for the Glory of God. Stewardship culminates in a different kind of mindset, for a different kind of people...

It helps us think about our Wealth Soli Deo Gloria.

We want a chance to learn with you about how God has called you to steward the wealth you have acquired, and whether or not we can help you grow it or wisely give it away to the causes or people you care about. The goal of our process is NOT to make you feel guilty over the money and resources you have.

Instead, we want to help you think differently about how you can better steward it all for God's glory and your good! We believe that you are called to steward your wealth, and that we are called to help keep you on track to grow and give according to what you really value most in life.

Maybe this all sounds good from a spiritual and philosophical perspective, but you may still ask... "how does this practically work itself out in my investments and wealth management strategies?"

Well... that part is simple to explain but not always simple to fix. If you are prepared to pursue values alignment between yourself and what the Bible says about money... will it change you?

Do you believe the Gospel is truly transformative, even in this area? Do you really?

Because there's a dirty secret built into our money system, especially within the investment and capital markets. That secret is that not all investments you make with the money God has given you to steward make investment returns due to practices that honor God.

In fact, many companies that make the highest returns are because their business models function in sectors that you may find socially, spiritually, and morally insulting. The companies you may be invested in now or in the future may give corporate dollars to causes that you would never support. And many times you would never know unless you took the time to research every one of hundreds of companies in the mutual funds, ETF's, or individual stocks, bonds, or any other investment products you have.

Sure - you could tell your investment advisor to do it for you, but how would you know they continually kept the practice up if they did not share the same convictions as you?

These are the things we are passionate about at Blount Financial Stewards. And, if you share some of the same concerns, or a desire to grow in your knowledge of these areas, we really want to talk with you. 


Are you new to the concept of faith-focused financial planning? That's okay, too! We hope the resources we provide can become more valuable than any financial product or investment you acquire in your financial journey!

When you engage in a conversation with us, we will send you more information and an invitation to join our FREE Bible studies so you can go as deep into these concepts as you want to grow in your knowledge!

Congratulations, you made it to the end of our informational summary.

But, if we've said anything to catch your interest... before you give us your details, I'd encourage you to continue below to our FAQ's and Disclosures which cover the basics of working with us in a professional relationship. 


Fill out the form


Important Note: Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) investing / Faith Driven Investing (FRI) has certain risks based on the fact that the criteria excludes securities of certain issuers for non-financial reasons and, therefore, investors may forgo some market opportunities and the universe of investments available will be smaller.

Watch our FAQ's video, if you would like you can play this while you read along below.


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CLICK the Speaker to Unmute

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Frequently asked questions:


What's Next?

Step 1

Our next steps are for you to visit RightCapital


At the link which will open in a new tab, you can provide your most basic financial data for a FREE overview of your situation and the trajectory of your current plans.


Step 2

Schedule a virtual meeting on our calendar.

Schedule Values Alignment Session

A new tab will open, and you can return here when you are finished scheduling your call.


We'd like to buy you coffee or lunch to enjoy during our Values Alignment Session and send another FREE gift or two, so please enter your information below!

Your Info is Secure. Your information is Safe. We do not share or sell your information. We look forward to meeting you online soon.